Sixth and Eighth Grade Classrooms Relocated Over Winter Break

With the completion of the new Bardstown Elementary the district is now able to move forward with repurposing the old elementary school. As you know, our building is connected to the old elementary school, and, for many years the middle school has occupied a hallway of classrooms in the old elementary school. With renovation beginning BMS will need to shift around some classrooms over the winter break. Here’s what you need to know:

  • 8th grade classrooms will move to a hallway in the old elementary school. 
  • An assistant principal will also move to the same hallway that 8th grade will be moved to.
  • 6th grade classrooms will move downstairs to the hallway where our 8th grade classrooms are currently housed.
  • Related arts classrooms (Strings, Chorus, PE, & Art) will remain in their same classrooms.
  • Upon arrival on January 3rd both 8th and 6th grade students will report to the gym so our staff can lead them to the location of their new classrooms. 
  • At this time pick up and drop off procedures will remain the same.

At BMS we’re very excited about the plans for the old elementary school because it will greatly benefit our middle school students and will provide a new home for our 8th grade! The first floor of the elementary school building will be developed into a career and technical educational (CTE) center that will house programs like engineering, health sciences, information technology and many more. The plan for the second floor will include a few CTE business classes but it will mostly consist of needed classrooms that will support the middle and high school.   

Progress doesn’t come without change — or in this case construction! We ask for your patience and understanding as we embark on this transformation at our Fifth Street campus. We promise it will be worth it in the end.

Thank you,

Matt Bartley
Bardstown Middle School